The Sun Pays 460W Mono Powitt 10BB Solar Panel. This solar panel has a maximum power of 460W and a maximum voltage of 34.41V. It has a 12-year product warranty and a 30-year design life warranty. It is certified to include German (TUV) certification, IEC, and CE. The electrical specifications @ STC are as follows: maximum efficiency: 21.28%, maximum power (Pmax): 460W, maximum power voltage (Vmp): 34.41V, maximum power current (Imp): 13.39A, open circuit voltage (Voc): 41.68V, short circuit current (Isc): 14.11A, and maximum system voltage: 1500VDC (IEC).
Specification highlights:
460W Monocrystalline PV panel.
10 Busbar design.
120 A-grade monocrystalline solar cells.
With a 12-year product warranty and a 30-yeardesign life warranty.
Certifications include: German (TUV) certified, IEC, and CE
Electrical specifications @ STC:
Maximum efficiency: 21.28%
Maximum power (Pmax): 460W
Maximum power voltage (Vmp): 34.41V
Maximum power current (Imp): 13.39A
Open circuit voltage (Voc): 41.68V
Short circuit current (Isc): 14.11A
Maximum system voltage: 1500VDC(IEC)
Maximum series fuse rating: 25A
Mechanical specifications:
Cell size: 182 x 91mm
Cell type: A-grade monocrystalline solar cell
Number of cells: 120(6 x 20)
Weight: 24kg
Dimensions: 1908 x1133 x 35mm
Max load: 5400 Pascal
Junction box: IP68 rated
Connector: MC4
Cables: Photovoltaic technology cable 4.0 mm2, 350mm
Product warranty: 12 years
Design life warranty: 30 years
Efficiency warranty: 90% in 12 years, 80% in 30 years**
vprice = document.getElementById('productPrice').innerHTML; //string with R
vprice_1 = String(vprice.match(/d+/g)); //string without R
vprice_2 = vprice_1.replace(/,/g, ""); //string without commas
vprice_3 = Number(vprice_2)/100/460; // divide by 100 to convert cents to Rands, divide by 460 for panel power
document.getElementById('price_per_unit').innerHTML = 'Price per watt (incl. VAT): R ' + parseFloat(vprice_3).toFixed(2) ;